Dumbell Only Workout

Hi Friends of Oompf, it’s Alvan here. Today we will be talking about how you can complete a workout with just a pair of dumbbells.

It’s been one week since gyms have shut and some of you might be running out of workout ideas to do. Today I will be sharing a total body workout you can do with just a pair or dumbbells.

Lunges are a great and effective way to work your glutes and quads.
Make this harder by adding a pulse or by performing static lunges.
Make this easier by reducing the weight.
Make this easier on the knee by switching to reverse lunges.

Standing Military Press/ Shoulder Press
This exercise works your shoulders, triceps as well as your core.
Make this harder by controlling the speed of the movement and increasing the range of motion
Make it easier by sitting on a bench with back support.

Dumbbell Bent Over Row
This exercise works your back, biceps and erector spinae.
Make this harder by controlling the speed of the movement and holding the weight at the top for 3 seconds.
Make it easier by performing this single arm, on a flat bench.

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
This exercise works your hamstrings, glutes, as well as stabilizer muscles.
Make this harder by controlling the speed of the movement or increasing the weight.
Make it easier by performing a regular romanian deadlift or staggered stance romanian deadlift.

Side Plank with shoulder raise
This exercise works your core, upper back and rear delts.
Make this harder by increasing the number of reps.
Make it easier by removing weights and/or shoulder raise.

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