Eat Smart; Keeping The Weight Off Long Term

Hi Friends of Oompf, it’s Alvan here. Today we will be talking about how to ensure a sustainable diet.

While following fad diets may be effective for some, how sustainable is it really? The sad truth is that most diets don’t work in the long run because they were made for short term or fast results. Sure, you’re going to lose 10 kilos avoiding all carbs and sugar on a keto diet, but will you be able to sustain that for the rest of your life? More often than not after subjecting your body to a drastic dietary change, you might see immediate results but after falling off from the diet, the weight quickly piles back on. Some may even end up feeling depressed and giving up on fitness or their diets completely.

Well today we’re going to talk about how to eat smart and sustainably so that you can keep your results for the long term!

1. Eat to fuel your body not your emotions.
Recognising whether you are actually hungry or whether you are emotional/stress eating can make a world of difference in your diet. Hunger more often than not can be an emotional cue rather than a physical cue. Especially now that many of us are still working from home, it is easier to have access to the kitchen. It is easier to reach for a bowl of chips while getting your work done. However stop to ask yourself if you are feeling peckish, bored or stressed or if you are actually hungry,

2. Keep it sustainable! Only set goals you are confident to achieve.
Goal setting is one of the most important steps in ensuring weight loss. If you set a goal that is too far fetched, you will most likely end up demoralised and give up on the goal altogether. Set easy and realistic goals and once you achieve that, you can aim higher. You can set small goals such as cutting down on your usual guilty pleasures. For example, do you need to cut away all forms of carbs/ sugar/ treats to lose weight? Definitely not. Many people avoid these foods when trying to lose weight because they tend to be higher in calories, however understanding that limiting the intake of these foods instead of completely cutting them off will lead to a healthier relationship between you and food. For example if you are really craving a cookie, have half instead of the full thing. It will still give you the satisfaction but only half the calories. Of course you will still need to be in an overall caloric deficit if you want to lose weight so count your calories to make sure you’re not over-consuming!!

3. Constant reminder that healthy weight loss takes time.
Sometimes we tend to get impatient when we don’t see much difference on the scale each week. Before you get frustrated, remind yourself that healthy weight loss takes more time compared to a drastic diet. Healthy weight loss typically means that you are losing only about 0.5-0.9kg per week. This may seem like a long time when you’re standing on the scale everyday however you can also use other forms of indicators such as girth measurements, improvements in strength and energy levels, weekly before and after pictures to measure your progress.

Moral of the story is- Always ensure sustainability. If you diet is sustainable you’re more likely to be happier and reap the same results overtime! What may work for you may not work for someone else. So tune in to what your body is telling you and make dietary changes based on what will work for YOU.
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