Hi Friends of Oompf, it’s Alvan here. Today we will be talking about the importance of mobility and why it is so important to do mobility exercises on top of your strength training programme.

Many of us usually confuse or equate flexibility with mobility. While being flexible reaps its own benefits, mobility is something that will come hand in hand with your training program, whether your are doing weight lifting or a sports athlete. What is the difference you may ask? Flexibility is your muscles ability to lengthen passively; you holding a static pose/ stretch using your own body weight. However mobility refers to the joints ability to move through a range of motion; you being able to perform a deep squat with good form.
Although you do need to have a certain degree of flexibility in order to have good mobility, many people end up neglecting mobility training altogether and end up focusing on just stretching the muscles.
An easy way to test the difference between flexibility and mobility in your own body is to raise your knee toward your chest. Your hip mobility is defined by how far your knee travels without assistance. Then place your hands on your knee, and actively pull it closer to your chest. This stretch shows your overall flexibility in the hip.
Mobility Training
Mobility training incorporates exercises that will increase your range-of-motion, stabilisation, and control of the muscles that surround each joint. Combining flexibility and strength, mobility training can aid you in preparing for your actual training, helping you to squat deeper, push harder, and jump higher.
Benefits of increased mobility also include:
– enhancing your performance with your lifts.
– possibly resolve certain imbalances in your body.
– help keep you injury-free.
Here are some mobility drills that you should do before starting your workout program.
1. Single leg hip circles

In a standing position, lift one knee up to your chest and make a circle with your knee. Bring the knee across your body and then out to the side and repeat for 15-20 reps/ The movement should involve isolating each hip while keeping the rest of the body as still as possible.
2. Spiderman Lunge with T-spine rotation

Start in a high plank position, bring your left foot to step forward outside your left palm. Once stable. raise the left arm up to the ceiling, rotation from your t spine.
3. Windmill Stretch

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, with your hands stretched out to the sides. Slowly bring your left hand to your right foot, keeping the hands straight. Repeat on opposite side.
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